Derek Sigurdsson and avoiding catastrophic events

Derek Sigurdsson at Tern TV

Derek Sigurdsson at Tern TV

When I first arrived at Tern I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was nervous and worried that I would do something wrong, accidentally destroy an entire TV show or some other kind of disastrous catastrophe. However, everything went really well. The people were great, the experience was great and my entire time there was great. I had never expected to be successful with the interview process because I arrived looking like a drowned rat (the weather was terrible). However I was selected, and after a short health and safety lecture and tour of the office it was straight in to work. I was given the task of creating trailers for the new website and to upload them for use by the IT department. It involved long hours and spending a lot of time trawling through footage and episodes of programmes. I even ingested some digibeta tapes into Avid to work on.

Everything wasn’t all about editing though; I had to do some research to find out the best way to attach a camera to a thick pole inside a helicopter. After a little bit of help from the internet I came up with some ideas that were picked up on.

From this experience I have discovered that I have so much more to learn, not only about editing but also about working in the industry itself. I wouldn’t want to change it for anything though; the work is interesting and exciting. Every new project feels like a new job and I can’t wait to get more opportunities like this.

I wish to thank Dario and everybody in the media department that has helped me throughout the years to get to this point. It will be one crazy ride but I look forward to every moment of it.

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