European Awareness Day

‘Europe: What a Passion’ music recital


The Division of Communications, Media and Culture, University of Stirling is organising a European Awareness Day, which will take place from Tuesday 13 – Wednesday 14 June 2017. There will be two showings of a free music recital ‘Europe: What a Passion!’ at the Albert Halls, Stirling. The recital, narrating the history of the European Union since World War II to current crisis and unpredictable future, will be followed by a roundtable discussion between experts and the audience.

The first performance is open to the general public and will take place on Tuesday 13 June at 7.30pm with a welcome speech by Michael Russell MSP, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe. The roundtable speakers include:

  • Prof Andrew Scott, Professor of European Union Studies and Dean International (Europe), University of Edinburgh and Member of the First Minister’s Standing Council on Europe
  • Francesco Pigozzo, Director of Education and Communication, CesUE Teatro, Italy
  • Dr Alenka Jelen-Sanchez, AwarEU Coordinator, University of Stirling

The second recital on Wednesday 14 June at 10.00am is aimed at university and college staff and students from both higher and further education institutions, journalists, representatives of the European institutions, trade unions and other interested stakeholders and citizens. It will be opened by Prof Richard Oram, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Stirling. The roundtable speakers include:

  • Graham Blythe, Head of Office of the European Commission Office in Scotland
  • Anthony Salamone, Research Fellow and Strategic Advisor, Scottish Centre on European Relations
  • Francesco Pigozzo, Director of Education and Communication, CesUE Teatro, Italy

The recital ‘Europe: What a Passion!’ by Daniela Martinelli and Francesco Pigozzo engages spectators in the tale of a little known, yet all-important part of our own story, whose further development weighs heavily on our future and depends on our choices. A storyteller, figurative texts and graphics, the acting and singing paths connect milestones in a long, turbulent and vital ‘love story’ and invite the audience to experience specific atmospheres of the last 70 years.

A multi-lingual innovative artistic project ‘Europe: What a Passion!’ is currently touring Europe with specific original versions for each EU country. It has been a great success in Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain with Stirling being its last stop.

Please book your free ticket here:

The European Awareness Day is a part of an Erasmus + AwarEU Project – an education initiative set up to promote democratic values, intercultural understanding and active citizenship.

Besides the European Awareness Day, the project also includes the creation of a Virtual Learning Environment on contemporary European issues for lecturers, students, journalists and citizens. The learning environment will be introduced at the event.

Under the leadership of International Centre for European and Global Governance (CesEU), Italy, other partners of AwarEU project besides the University of Stirling include Jacques Delors Institute, the University of Aston, University Institute for European Studies of the San Pablo, Lisbon Nova Law School and Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors – Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros.

More information on AwarEU project:

Link to the showing of ‘Europe: What a Passion!’

Link to the videos from the European tour:

Link to the ‘Europe: What a Passion!’ English trailer:

Link to the Facebook group:

Link to the Facebook event:




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